
No. Printers are available in the library and the many computer labs located around campus. 欲知详情,请浏览 打印服务 网站.


在宿舍的电视休息室里有有线电视. Cable TV is not available to the individual student rooms in the residence halls. 看到 入住条件 有关有线电视的更多信息.


我们鼓励你装饰你的房间,让你的房间感觉像你的家. 请不要使用钉子、大头针或胶带. 以免损坏房间的墙壁和木制品, 使用商店里有售的可拆卸的粘性海报条.

请参阅 学生储存指引 prior to bringing items to campus such as personal mattresses, futons, sofa chairs, 等. 由于家具是不允许在校园存储设施.


菲律宾十大彩票平台 College's halls and houses are occupied during the summer months by summer program participants. We are sorry but you'll need to wait it out with your fellow classmates until the residence halls officially open. 你可以浏览 住宅楼页面 它们有平面图、照片和每个地点的更多信息.

When will I know what my housing assignment is For the fall and who my roommate will be?

住宿生活人员 complete housing assignments For new students in mid July. 等所有新生都住好了, 住宅生活 will send an email with the 网站 where new students can find their room assignment and the name, address, 室友的电话号码和电子邮件地址. 我们希望当你收到你的任务, 你将与你的室友联系以了解他们.

每层楼都有浴室吗? 中性卫生间怎么样?

Most floors have two 浴室s (male and female) but some floors have three or more. 如果有两个以上,第三个浴室可以指定For全性别. 这取决于建筑和浴室的类型, 浴室可以是性别和/或中性的. 大多数浴室都有淋浴,少数浴室也有浴缸. Residents of rooms with 私人浴室 are responsible For keeping the 浴室 clean.

每层楼都有厨房和休息室吗? 他们有什么装备?

大多数楼层都有厨房和休息区. 厨房里有水槽、炉子/烤箱、微波炉和冰箱. 使用这些设施的学生应该打扫厨房.


宿舍的公共区域(休息室), 走廊, 厨房和浴室)每天清洁(周一至周五). 私人区域(公寓), 私人浴室, 相邻的浴室, common areas of a private room) are the responsibility of the residents of the room. 只在冬天, spring and summer breaks will Custodial staff do a thorough cleaning of the private and 相邻的浴室 in the residence halls and the 浴室s, 公寓的厨房和主要生活区. Custodial Services provides vacuums and other basic cleaning supplies For student use. 如果提供有限的清洁, 保管员每两周一次打扫房屋的公共区域, 每周或每天. 房屋的居民有责任保持房屋清洁. Questions or concerns regarding cleaning can be referred to the Maintenance and Custodial Office 507-222-4133.

我把钥匙丢了。. 我该怎么办??

如果你丢了房间钥匙或房间钥匙, 住宅生活 can issue you a temporary key by visiting the office at Sevy G10 Monday -Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm. A temporary key can be used For up to 3 days, allowing you time to look For the key(s).

如果您在正常营业时间后丢了钥匙, 联系你的RA, 另一个拉, 或者保安会让你进入你的房间. 下一个工作日到住宿生活办公室领取临时钥匙.

If you have not found your room or/or house key(s) after three days, a new lock is put on your door. 更换房间锁的费用将从你的学生账户中扣除40美元. 房屋外部更换将从你的学生账户中扣除100美元. You and any roommates or housemates will be issued new keys and will need to return any old keys.

我的信用卡丢了. 我该怎么办??

参观 收费 请示.


住宅生活 工作人员 and Facilities 工作人员 inspect all public and private rooms and 浴室s in the halls and houses at the end of the year to determine if there are any damages. 同一楼层/房屋的所有住户都将被收取清洁费用, 公共区域的家具损坏或丢失. 的re is a minimum charge of $5 per resident of a hall/house/house apartment For cleaning, 维修或更换公共区域的家具.

All occupants of a room/house/apartment are held equally responsible For returning the room to move-in condition when they move out (remove all personal items, 清除垃圾, 并彻底清洁和真空的房间, 浴室, 厨房, 休息室, 等.). All occupants are held equally responsible For any charges incurred For cleaning or repair with a minimum charge of $25 per resident of the room/house apartment For excessive cleaning.

收费可以通过填写 房屋损坏上诉表格.

我还有一些关于住宿政策、问题等方面的问题. 我可以向谁寻求答案?

住宿生活人员 监督菲律宾十大彩票平台的住宿设施. Area Directors and Resident Assistants are the first line of support For students within their residential environment.


你当然可以招待客人! 在邀请或招待客人时, 请体谅你的室友和社区成员. 游客应遵循与居民相同的期望. We suggest that roommates discuss guidelines For their own rooms in terms of 客人, 活动, 和隐私. 和这个公共环境里的任何事情一样, 研究, 休息, 隐私优先于探视, 客人, 和娱乐. 客人不能连续住三晚以上. 了解更多关于客人政策,请访问 学生手册:住宿空间的客人.

可通过填写以下表格向保管部申请活动床 折叠床申请表.

房间里有什么家具啊? 我应该带些什么呢?

所有房间都配有可铺位的床架, 80英寸(超长)双人床垫, 桌子上, 办公椅, 衣橱或壁橱, 垃圾桶, 回收站, 镜子, 顶灯. 请注意,私人阁楼是不允许的. You are welcome to bring additional items to personalize your room: a small comfy chair, 台灯, 等. 如果你选择带灯,避免使用卤素. For未来的住户保护和维护家具, 所有的房间家具都必须放在房间里, 所有的家具都必须放在休息室里.

学生必须提供自己的亚麻布,可以从我们的合作伙伴订购 亚麻公司. 的 extra long twin size linens are also available at most major department stores. 我们的学生工作人员列出了一份 有用的物品 带进校园. 我们鼓励你和你的室友协调,避免重复.



Although the 住房 Freeze sounds like something related to cold months in Minnesota, 它实际上发生在每学期的前两周和最后两周. 在住房冻结期间,不能发生房间变化. 的 Freeze is designed to allow time to get settled into your room and get to know your roommate(s), 在学期繁忙的时候尊重学生的学习努力, and to give 住宿生活人员 members time to evaluate occupancy levels For the term.


还记得你完成的室友偏好问卷吗? 住宿生活人员 read each and every Roommate Preference Questionnaire and match students based on responses to the questions on the Form. 他们会考虑你的习惯和模式. 学生 are sorted based on the main issues that tend to cause conflicts in roommate situations (room cleanliness, 房间内的噪音/活动水平, 以及就寝时间). 一旦学生被归入这些宽泛的类别, we look at their academic and extracurricular inte休息s and the other personal inFormation they share. 我们的工作是把有共同兴趣的学生聚集在一起, 但他们不是完全相同的配对. We believe that part of the learning that takes place at a residential college is meeting and living with people who are different from you. 因For这种哲学, 我们努力不让来自同一州或同一所学校的人住在同一个房间里. Siblings are not placed together as roommates and we try not to place siblings in the same buildings together. 我们通常也不尊重室友或特定的宿舍要求. 我们也不会把同一队的运动员安排在一起做室友. We believe that all of our communities are great places to live and that each student will have a fulfilling experience in the living environment that they are assigned to.

七月中旬, you will receive an email from your class dean with the 网站 address where you can find your room assignment and roommate(s). 在菲律宾十大彩票平台的第一年之后, you will be able to select your own room and choose your roommate(s) via a housing selection process that occurs every spring. 如果在一年中由于某种原因, 你想申请改变房间分配, 和你的区域主管谈谈.


当你离开校园或搬到校园里的另一个房间时, please return your room key (and house key if applicable) to any of these Express Check Out Box locations.

  • 艾伦之家,客厅墙
  • 布鲁克斯大厦100号公寓
  • 伯顿大厅,正门
  • 卡萨特大厅,西北入口
  • 科尔威尔大厦100号公寓
  • 戴维斯大厅,南门
  • 欧格斯特大厦300号公寓
  • 埃文斯大厅,正门前厅
  • 教职工俱乐部,靠近门,标着721
  • 古德休大厅,AD公寓158对面
  • 亨廷顿大厦正门
  • 詹姆斯·霍尔,东北入口
  • Musser大厅,正门
  • 迈尔斯大厅,108号公寓右边
  • 护士大厅,在主休息室外面
  • 堂区大厦大堂
  • 米屋,正门
  • 塞弗伦斯大厅,2楼电梯对面
  • 华生大厅,正门.

You can also return your residential keys to the 住宅生活 Office or to the Night Drop Box located outside the 住宅生活 Office door. 


校园里的一些房间配备了阁楼套件. 由于空间的限制,这些空间保证了它们的存在. 我们无法分发额外的阁楼套件. 您可以使用提供的别针上下铺床.


菲律宾十大彩票平台已经集中 邮件服务 位于塞尔斯山. 有关发送/接收邮件和包裹的信息可在以下网址找到 邮件服务.


菲律宾十大彩票平台使用双层床和一张80英寸(超长)的双人床垫. 我们大多数床垫的尺寸是:36"x80"x8". 当学生到达时, 这些床不会加铺位, 它们将被放置在离地面19英寸的地方. If students would like to bunk their bed, the pins are stored in the top drawer of the dresser. Custodial staff in the buildings may have some in storage if there are no pins in the room.